We strongly suggest you share this page with your designer or creative department to avoid the need for file revisions. 

Artwork submitted below is considered final and will be sent to production

Wall Artwork Requirements & Submission Form:

10x10, 20x10 Booths & 16x10 Activations

The form at the bottom of this page is for sponsors who have:

  • 10×10 Booths: 10×10 booths feature a customizable back wall that is 10 ft. wide x 8 ft. tall.
  • 20×10 Booths: 20x10 booths feature a customizable back wall that is 20 ft. wide x 8 ft. tall.
  • 16×10 Activations: Activations feature walls that are 16 ft. wide x 8 ft. tall with design specs tailored to the activation (you will have spoken with The Lead regarding design). 

File Requirements:

Booth artwork files must be Adobe Illustrator (.ai) or PDF (.pdf) files with a 0.125 inch bleed and 300 dpi. You can download the Ai template for your booth wall in the correlating folders HERE.

  • ALL fonts must be outlined. To learn how to outline fonts click here.
  • ALL images, logos, graphics, etc. must be embedded in the file. To learn how to embed files, click here. 

We strongly recommend submitting a PDF/image preview of your wall artwork for our reference. There is a place to upload this below. 

20240501_Booth Wall Specs _ for Artwork Page_New

Special Consideration: Please keep 12”x48” in the top right corner clear of any major design details, as we will use this space for your booth #, industry/sector, and relevant products (info from your sponsor onboarding form). 

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 11.31.29 AM

If there are any issues with booth artwork, The Lead’s team will reach out to the contact email you provide below. It may be helpful if the contact is your designer.

Before you submit, please check your file for:

Correct Dimensions and Bleed: Ai file with 0.125 inch bleed and 300 dpi. 

Outline Fonts: All fonts in the file are outlined.

Embedded/Linked Files: All images, logos, graphics etc. are embedded in the file.